A photo of OEA's director Micheal Zacks

Rate Framework Starts on January 1, 2020

In a few months Ontario employers will enter the brave new world of the Rate Framework.  This comprehensive restructuring of how the WSIB will assess employer premiums will affect employers in many ways. Next year will be the last time that employers will get rebates and surcharges (based on the 2019 bulk issue).  After that,…

Appeals for Non-Construction Employers

Appeals Appealing a WSIB decision Most WSIB decisions can be appealed if you believe they are incorrect, or contrary to the WSIA or WSIB policy.   Different levels of appeal There are three levels of appeal. 1. WSIB Operations Level Operating level decisions are made by adjudicators, case managers, Account Specialists, Account Analysts, RTWSs, and…

Re-employment for Non-Construction Employers

Re-employment When re-employment obligations for injury employers apply In addition to your obligation to co-operate in the return to work (RTW) process, an injury employer has an obligation to re-employ their worker when: the worker is unable to work because of their work-related injury or disease the worker had worked for you for at least…

Return to Work for Non-construction Employers

Work Reintegration Overview Workers who are unable to return to their pre-injury job or who require accommodation to be able to return to their pre-injury job, because of the work-related injury, illness or disease they are experiencing, may be eligible to receive WSIB RTW services. RTW goal The WSIB and the workplace parties (the injury…