Mental Stress
July 23, 2020 | Time: 10:00 am ET This webinar outlines the legislative modifications that have changed the handling of mental stress claims, and how mental stress entitlement, both traumatic and chronic, is determined by the WSIB.
July 23, 2020 | Time: 10:00 am ET This webinar outlines the legislative modifications that have changed the handling of mental stress claims, and how mental stress entitlement, both traumatic and chronic, is determined by the WSIB.
The OEA continues to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our expert staff members are available to assist you with any questions you may have about workplace safety and insurance matters under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, and/or unlawful reprisal allegations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. As the COVID-19 situation continues to…
As previous visitors to our website will notice, we have a new, more colourful look, and we believe a more effective and intuitive site. Our goal was to make it simpler for users to find the information they need. We hope you will find it a better experience, and that you give us your feedback…
Appeals Appealing a WSIB decision Most WSIB decisions can be appealed if you believe they are incorrect, or contrary to the WSIA or WSIB policy. Different levels of appeal There are three levels of appeal. 1. WSIB Operations Level Operating level decisions are made by adjudicators, case managers, Account Specialists, Account Analysts, RTWSs, and others.…
Return to Work Assessments and Plans for Construction Employers Return to work (RTW) assessment The WSIB may arrange for a RTW assessment to be completed if the workplace parties (the injury employer and the worker) are unable to resolve challenges that are impacting the worker’s RTW. The assessment determines whether the worker will at some…
Re-employment for Construction Employers When re-employment obligations for construction employers apply In addition to your obligation to co-operate in the return to work (RTW) process, a construction employer is obligated to re-employ its construction workers — regardless of how many construction workers it employs or the worker’s length of employment — when the worker is unable to work because…