Employer Costs and Penalties for Construction Employers

Employer Costs and Penalties WSIB’s new classification structure The WSIB’s new premium rate-setting model is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The WSIB’s classification system has 35 WSIB classes and subclasses (referred to here as “classes”) that are listed in Schedule 1, Part I of O. Reg. 175/98. Within these classes, the…

Coverage for Construction Employers

Coverage Who is covered by the WSIA Workers are covered by the WSIA. A “worker” includes anyone employed under a contract of service or apprenticeship with an employer carrying on a construction business. IOs, sole proprietors, partners, and executive officers in the construction industry are required to register with the WSIB, and to pay WSIB…

Registration for Construction Employers

Registration Who needs to register with the WSIB Independent operators (IOs), sole proprietors, partners in a partnership, and executive officers in a corporation who work in, or have a business in, the construction industry are required to register and have coverage with the WSIB. They are deemed “workers” under the WSIA for this purpose, subject…

Unlawful Reprisals FAQ

Unlawful Reprisals FAQ Unlawful Reprisals under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) 1. A worker recently raised a safety concern in the workplace. Am I now prevented from disciplining that worker because of some new and unrelated misconduct? No, as long as the discipline that is being imposed has absolutely nothing to do with…