
Directors Update
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New Director

I am delighted to join the Office of the Employer Adviser!   I bring to the role experience in the workplace safety and insurance system from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT), most recently 10 years as Executive Director, and from the Office of the Worker Adviser as Director.

I look forward to continuing the OEA’s work with employers providing expert advice and excellent client service in the areas of workplace safety and insurance and occupational health and safety reprisals.

And, of course, we wish Michael Zacks well in his retirement and thank him for his dedicated work and leadership in the specialized area of workers’ compensation law on behalf of Ontario employers.


Webinar Series updated, register to watch on-demand

A series of updated webinars are now linked to our website.  And, after following a registration process, these webinars are available for viewing at a time convenient to you.  This updated series will be offered again in the fall.  Stay tuned! The new dates will be shared in the coming weeks.

We welcome your comments about the webinars and would like to hear your suggestions for other helpful topics related to your dealings with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).



Our website also includes summary information and links for easy access for the WSIB’s response to COVID-19.    The WSIB, the WSIAT and the OLRB are all working to keep their websites up to date as they adapt their processes to remote services and the stages of the pandemic response.


Implementation of new WSIB premium rate setting process (rate framework)

We are actively monitoring the implementation of the WSIB’s new Rate Framework; implementation started on January 1, 2020.

Please contact us if you have questions about this major change to the WSIB’s premium rate setting process.


Web site – easy access to information through three focussed sections


We’re here to help you!

The Office is here to answer questions and provide advice about your individual WSIB or OHS reprisal issue.

We may be reached by e-mail, through the website or at 1-800-387-0774 or 416-327-0020.  We look forward to assisting you!


Susan Adams
Director – Office of the Employer Adviser